The Eye is such a critical body part whose viewing capability can degrade with age or certain medical conditions. Annual eye examinations are an integral part of preventive health care. Since many vision problems have no obvious signs or symptoms, its important to detect them at an early stage. By diagnosing or undertaking regular eye tests, one can prevent the problem of vision loss while also detecting physical health issues before they become more severe.
There are several eye ailments whose symptoms differ in severity and type. To determine what is causing your blurred vision, its important to visit an Optometrist for professional eye care services. A complete eye examination includes many tests, some of which are explained below.
- Patient History: Before carrying out the test, a doctor will ask the patient about any health issues. He or she will go through your overall health and blood reports. Being a patient, you should clearly describe your symptoms, if any, and the medications you are taking. Health conditions such as hypertension and diabetes can adversely affect your eyesight.
- Visual Acuity: Visual acuity is the test to determine how well you are seeing. For this, you will be asked to read a chart. The letters on this chart vary in size and are read from a 20 ft distance. The optometrist will record the result of the visual acuity test in the form of a fraction. The top part of the fraction is the standard distance from which your test was conducted while the bottom one is the smallest letter size you were able to read. Ideally, the standard visual acuity we all need to achieve with or without glasses is 20/20.
- Refraction:Using a series of lenses the Optometrist will attempt to find the correct combination which will improve a patient’s visual acuity to 20/20 if it isnt already at that level. Using both objective and subjective methods, the prescription is finalized for both distance and reading and glasses made accordingly.
- Intraocular Pressure: This test checks the pressure of the inside of the eyeball which if too high can cause nerve damage leading to partial or complete blindiness, a condition known as Glaucoma. By temporarily numbing the eyes, the Optometrist can use a tool which tells us the pressure and he/she can then prescribe eyedrops to lower the pressure if needed.
- Ophthalmoscopy: This test involves holding a magnifying lens infront of the eye and using a light source and microscope to view the inside of the eyeball to detect any ocular issues such as bleeding caused by diabetes or for signs of cataracts and macular degeneration. At Westway Eyecare we also utilize a digital camera specially made for taking pictures of the retina in order to keep a physical copy in your file to compare with at future appointments.
These are just some important tests that are generally conducted to determine the health of your eye. If you are having trouble with your vision or unexplained headaches then schedule an appointment with our Optometrists in Etobicoke at Westway Eyecare right away.